corniest corn muffins

I hemmed and hawed over these more than muffins probably deserve. The issue is that while I like corn on its own, I struggle to enjoy the crisp kernels in soups, breads, or stews. On the other hand, it’s nice to have some textural contrast in muffins – and what better to provide that in a corn muffin than corn?

In the end, in the spirit of Not Being Picky, I left the corn in (without pureeing it like I’d also considered). And I’ll be darned if one of these, served alongside a small bowl of chili topped with large amounts of Greek yogurt and avocado, wasn’t one of the most satisfying meals I’ve eaten in days.

These muffins were chosen for Tuesdays with Dorie by Jill, and she will post the recipe. I reduced the sugar to ¼ cup (per Deb’s recommendation), added half a minced jalapeno, and did not increase the salt(!). The cornmeal I used (Arrowhead) was finely ground, which I believe is what leant my muffins such a tender, almost flaky texture.

One year ago: Thumbprints for Us Big Guys
Two years ago: Lemon Cup Custard (my pick)




  1. Great looking muffins, Im glad they were satisfying! I liked them too!

  2. So pretty! Jalapeno sounds like a great addition. I didn’t have mine with chili — but I did have it with a big bowl of gumbo!

  3. I’m all for the addition of a little pepper! Yours look beautiful.

  4. When my mom used to make cornbread, she would use a combination of canned corn and creamed corn (forgive us, we’re New Englanders, corn season is magical and delicious, but not very long) so there would be flavor and texture in each bit.

  5. These look wonderful- I love cornbread, but I’ve learned that I love yankee cornbread- nice and sweet!

  6. Beautiful! So glad you ended up liking them! 🙂

  7. Yours look amazing! These were a huge hit at my house. Thanks for baking with me this week!

  8. They are great looking muffins! And they would be awesome with a bowl of chili! We loved these too.

  9. Love the golden color. We enjoyed them as well.

  10. the red plate really brings out the gorgeous color of these.

  11. I’ve been eying this recipe since I purchased Dorie’s cookbook. I love corn muffins. With chili? They’re perfect.

  12. treewhisperer says:

    What? No extra salt? Do you have a temperature?!

  13. These were good. Yours look really tender,

  14. Totally agree Bridget – we’ve been eating these muffins with cornbread all winter and it’s such a great meal!

  15. Oooops, that was supposed to say eating the muffins with chili 🙂

  16. I can’t believe you didn’t increase the amount of salt in this recipe!